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Recognize the Consequences of Data Hacks for Small Businesses

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Long gone are the days when professional hackers only targeted large businesses and organizations. Small businesses are also targets. In 2014, more than half of all data hacks were targeted towards midsize and small businesses. Even more frightening is the idea that some small business owners don't fully understand the consequences of a breach. Make sure you understand the dangers associated with this type of scenario to ensure you are taking every action to protect your organization.  

Damage Reputation

Few things are as important to a small business as its reputation. Unlike many larger organizations that have near endless capital to advertise and generate business, small businesses generally rely on their reputation among past and current clients to generate new revenue. When your information is hacked, while this is not necessarily your fault, clients may lose confidence in your organization.    

The idea that their personal information could be leaked makes people feel uncomfortable, and rightly so. Protecting your reputation doesn't just involve quality products or services. It also involves making your clients feel like it's safe to perform transactions with you.

Hinder Operations

Businesses of all sizes rely heavily on technology. Consequently, computer systems often contain a wide range of information. Since technology makes this information so readily available, a number of businesses don't always have paper documentation to back up the information contained on their computer.

In the event of a hack in which your information is stolen, you may never get this information back. If this information includes important details about your operations, this can be a significant problem that can affect your business not only in the short term but also potentially in the long term.

Taking Action

The first step is to recognize the consequences of a data hack. The next step is to take action. The best way to do this is to not only know what to do in the event of a hack but also to be proactive in preventing a breach. An excellent way to accomplish this goal is with threat-detection software.

This software functions similarly to a surveillance system, constantly monitoring your connections for potential threats. Should a threat be detected, the system is designed to automatically go into protective mode, blocking the threat while also securing your data.

As a small business owner, you serve as the most important figure when it comes to protecting your organization from a data hack. Make sure you are being proactive by taking measures to protect everything you've worked hard for.
